Aiou Assignment Submission Schedule 2024 Multiple Program
Allama Iqbal Open University announced Aiou Assignment Submission Schedule 2023 for multiple programs the students who are enrolled in matric,fa and others program and looking for aiou assignment schedule and can check here list of latest assignment submission schedule.
According to AIOU exam department the submission date for the first assignment is May 31, followed by the second assignment by June 24. The third and fourth assignments’ submission dates are 17 July and 18 August respectively.
Students will get aiou tutor details where they submit assignment tutor’s name and their addresses on the CMS Portal. They can visit the nearest regional office of the University.Also Check: Check AIOU Result Assignment 2024 – AIOU Assignment Marks Details
AIOU official uploaded the schedule for various programs which are BS, B.Ed, MA, MSc, M.Ed, and ATTC. Students enrolled in these programs should submit their assignments online. While students in Matric, FA, and BA (associate degree) programs will need to manually submit (dispatch) their assignments to their respective tutors.