AIOU Workshop Schedule 2024 BS B.Ed and Associate degree program
Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU workshop schedule 2024 BS B.Ed and associate degree program for enrolled student this program.According to aiou official allama iqal open university workshop will start from 27 June.The complete details of workshop also uploaded on aiou official website student who are enrolled in BS,B.ed and Associate degree program.
Moreover, the details of workshop schedule also sent on students mobile phone number. Students can check their workshop schedule by entering their student ID, region, and Programs at the AIOU workshop portal. The workshops schedule portal can be accessed at A detailed schedule is also available on the AIOU website in the form of PDF Documents
Message includes username and Password required to login for appearing in online Workshops. If a student has not received the SMS, he/she can contact the nearest regional centers. It is pertinent to mention here that appearing in the workshop is compulsory for the students enrolled with AIOU
AIOU Workshop Schedule 2024 BS B.Ed