AIOU DTS – Online Degree Tracking System Allama Iqbal University
Allama Iqbal Open University has launch the AIOU DTS for the facilitation of those students who have to completed their degree from this university in any years and apply for their degrees and certificates but unfortunately still not received theirs degrees at home so here we are going to describe complete process how you can track your degree application submit application by setting at home.There are multiple reasons why degree not you received we will provide you complete guide step by steps.
DTS same works for all degree programs enrolls students like Matriculation, intermediate, bachelor, master including 9th 10th classes, FA, ICS, ICOM, DCOM, FSC, BA, BBA, BSC, BCOM, B.Ed, MA, MBA, MCOM, M.Ed, PHIL, Ph.D.
What Aiou DTS ?
AIOU DTS is stand for Allama Iqbal Open University Degree Tracking System which is recently launch for the student who want to track their degree arrival time and location. The purpose of Development this program to track all academic degree related activities using DTS.One of most important section of this system student can provide feedback against marks,credit hours and others related to degree.
How to Use AIOU DTS Step by Step Process?
No technical knowledge required to use aiou DTS you just understand the following given steps which explain all main points of DTS.Degree tracking system consist of two parts given below:

- Incomplete/Return Application
- In process Application
Incomplete/Return Application:
Incomplete is first point of DTS and this part use in case a student mistake in documents then the allama Iqbal university management return your application in this section with tag of mission documents.
In Process Application:
This is second part of DTS and mostly use for checking queries in case of any submit application but not yet solve so status of these applications can be checked in this section
Process to Check Location AIOU DTS:
Then applying for the credential for submitting the application pay with required dues to the bank challan form and get the token number save in themselves for any terms and conditions when you can need it in the feature.
If you cannot receive an AIOU degree within one month then the students can check AIOU Sanad Tracking online at DTS (Degree Tracking System) is established only at Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad for the help out of the children.
Time Required to Receive AIOU Degree
Allama Iqbal Open University has introduced two ways to get their degree if total depend on candidates which method they adopt and get certificates both method mention below
- AIOU Urgent Degree getting time Duration is one week
- Normal AIOU Degree getting duration of time is one month
It is depending on us you can apply for the further procedure to acquire the AIOU ba degree and AIOU ma degree catch out the method is explained here it so easy procedure is describing for the students or contacts aiou campuses
How to Download AIOU Degree Form?
Those aiou students who have zero knowledge about getting degree you here is complete detail about Aiou Degree Form and others necessary details